and Human Rights.

Chile Exige Democracia

Santiago, Chile
August 2018

This photo was taken at the National Library of Chile. I feel so glad that my friend, Victor Ruiz, showed me around and provided me with all of the contexts. The painting says "Chile Demands Democracy", which was created during 1988 Chilean national plebiscite - a national referendum that marks Pinochet's defeat and the transition of Chile towards a democracy. It reminds me of two movies: one is No, the other is Machuca.

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Human Flow

Palo Alto, CA
October 2018

One of my favorite documents - Human Flow, by Ai Weiwei, a Chinese contemporary artist, has always been inspiring me to read, think and reflect on perspectives from people who are far away from my mundane life. They could be Rohingya refugees, or they could be the gay couple who live next door but whom I barely have a word with. With this idea, I embarked on my journey here at Palo Alto - a bubble as how everyone calls it.

We have been constantly creating human flows. Sometimes they carry with hope and fight against huge frictions; sometimes they are strong enough to have people caught, yet too strong to get out; sometimes they could just work as a proxy for entertainment during a heat wave.

Am I in America?

Am I still looking for America?

Life of Miners

Potosí, Bolivia
September 2018

I went on this mining tour - it was at 4,090 meters above the sea level, a city called Potosí, which relies heavily on the silver deposit at Cerro de Potosí. Around 15,000 people still work in mines today (2016). Before the tour, I was told by my guide to bring high-sugar beverages and raw coca leaves, as gifts to miners for them to get energized. It was an awful experience, worse than the worst winter in Beijing when AQI is over 500. Dust, darkness, and oxygen deficit.

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Ventas, empleos!

Puno, Peru
September 2018



Walk On the Wild Side

Cuzco, Peru
August 2018

Along the railway from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes, where Machu Picchu - the modern version of Mecca for tourists is located at, my hourly consumption of energy bars and anti-mosquito spray have spiked. It was a 30 KM of hike, mostly flat. Some local people, besides a few tourists, also joined this hike. They were different in the way they didn't dress themselves in Patagonia stuff with an 80L Osprey backpack, but instead, they had large bags on their shoulder, or even had their sandals on.

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