I am a Ph.D. student in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at
University of California, San Diego with a focus on policy questions relevant to electricity markets and energy systems, advised by Prof.
Michael Davidson. (And yes, the weather is nice.)
I combine engineering methods with the understanding of political economy to identify the transition strategies towards carbon neutrality. My previous research focuses on the operational details of renewable energy technologies and the economic and financial aspects of behind-the-meter renewable projects. I have worked on battery storage at Tesla and startups for a couple of years, where I developed software apps for both system-level simulations and real-time controls of commercial and industrial battery storage projects in California and China. (Why back to school? That's a serious question!)
I hold an M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from
Stanford University, a B.S. in Environmental Science, and a minor in Economics from
Fudan University (复旦大学). I also have exchange experiences at
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, UC Davis and
The University of Hong Kong. (I had great fun! :) )
I enjoy being in the wilderness - cycling on the road, running in the mud, skiing down the hills, or swimming across the river. I also do landscape photographing. (Well...I am terrible at capturing live moments.)